Professional Services Banking

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As a professional services firm, your product—and your greatest asset—is the talent you employ. This adds an element of unpredictability to the very thing that sets you apart. Front-end project costs can stymie cash flow when you need to staff up. Technology and equipment costs increase exponentially as you grow. Seasonal downturns make it difficult to predict revenue.

Factor in industry-specific regulatory requirements and marketplace dynamics and things can get complicated quickly. Bremer Bank can help you manage all of it. We learn what's unique about your operations and your banking needs to help you overcome the uncertainties and grow your business in the process.

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years committed to cultivating thriving communities


Assets managed by Bremer Bank (as of September 30, 2018)


Bremer loan portfolio in commercial loans (as of September 30, 2018)

Goal-based solutions for your growth

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Simple business checking

Choose from a variety of business checking packages designed to grow and evolve with your business and your financial needs.

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Future-proof business savings

Bremer offers sensible business savings solutions, including simple savings, money market and certificates of deposit (CDs), designed to help you reach your financial goals.

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Optimized treasury management

Implement secure, scalable treasury management solutions that give you control over your finances, optimize your working capital and help manage your cash flow.

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Retirement plans with real benefits

We work with you to put together retirement benefit plans that can help attract talent and keep employees happy by giving them the power to pursue their financial goals with confidence.

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Ready-access to working capital

Keep day-to-day operations running smoothly with working capital solutions that turn your assets into extra cash when you need it.

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Versatile business credit cards

Find a business credit card that meets your needs and makes it easier to track and manage your business expenses.

Bremer has been willing to grow with us as we’ve grown; they were strong and stable during the financial crisis when other banks struggled – and they’re a fair, high integrity bank.

Knowledge to move your business forward