Growing the places we call home

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Our founder, Otto Bremer, believed that when businesses and communities succeed, we all succeed. Since 1943, we've invested in the communities we serve by building relationships with the people working passionately to make communities in our region better every day. We listen, we share ideas, and we roll up our sleeves and get to work side by side with our neighbors.

We do it because these are the places we call home, too — where we grew up, where we live and work. And they're part of who we are. This is our shared future, and we're here to grow together.

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dividends paid to the Otto Bremer Trust since 1989.


Number of hours volunteered by our employees in 2022.


Number of Habitat for Humanity below-market mortgages to be purchased by Bremer Bank.

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Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact

Learn how we’re furthering our commitment to customers, communities and the planet in these critical areas. Our ESG report provides a roadmap for Bremer to follow now and in the future.

Learn more

Community HabitatForHumanity

Habitat for Humanity

We've partnered with Habitat for Humanity to increase the availability of affordable housing and empower our communities.

Community FarmRescue

Farm Rescue

Bremer and Farm Rescue have teamed up to assist farm families who need help in the wake of unexpected life events.

Community UnitedWay

United Way

We’re helping the United Way provide Welcome Home kits filled with home essentials to individuals and families moving out of homelessness into stable housing.

Community GreatPlainsFoodBank

Great Plains Food Bank

Our North Dakota employees helped prepare over 7,250 meals for local food pantries, shelters, and kitchens.

Community LatinoServiceProviders

Latino Service Providers Network

Our own Javier Valenzuela leads a networking and support group that connects Latinos with local programs, services, and job opportunities.

Community JuniorAchievement

Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest

We're committed to helping young people develop financial literacy, prepare for college, and explore entrepreneurship.

By taking an active leadership role in our communities, we build partnerships, earn trust and contribute to our communities’ continued vitality.